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In this regular podcast series, MUFG subject matter experts within our business discuss the forces, indications, and policies that impact the U.S. economy and financial markets, and provide updates to their economic outlooks and forecasts for the weeks, months, and years ahead.

Why did Japan’s monetary base expand only slightly despite record currency intervention and continued JGB purchases by the Bank of Japan?

In today’s episode, MUFG Chief Japan Strategist Takahiro Sekido discusses the impact of the MoF’s currency intervention and BoJ monetary operations on the flow of money, as well as what to watch with regards to monetary and fiscal policy. He also shares his views on spot Dollar/Yen, Yen rate, and Yen basis.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Life insurance company investment plans following the BoJ’s decision to continue easy monetary policy

In today’s episode, MUFG Chief Japan Strategist Takahiro Sekido dissects H2 FY22 Japanese life insurance company investment plans, discusses the Samurai bond market, and summarizes high points from the BoJ’s October policy meeting. He also shares his views on spot Dollar/Yen, Yen rate, and Yen basis.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Bearish exhaustion driving risk markets too far?

In today’s episode, MUFG Head of U.S. Macro Strategy George Goncalves discusses how the developments in the bond markets have been more logical lately, especially around key macro events. Whereas risk assets, like the performance of equities, have been more perplexing. George attributes the multiple bounces higher for stocks over the last month as a function of “bearish exhaustion” as investors try to determine if a solid bottom has been put in for 2022. George believes that broader markets are perhaps confusing a potential Fed pause as a pivot, and even then it’s still too early for the Fed to be signaling a transition in policy given how high inflation remains.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Foreigners challenge BoJ yield curve control once again but Japanese investors have the BoJ’s back

In today’s episode, MUFG Chief Japan Strategist Takahiro Sekido updates us on the cross asset flows during the month of September and also previews the October BoJ policy meeting. He also shares his views on spot Dollar/Yen, Yen rate, and Yen basis.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The Second Golden Age of Mortgage Backed Securities

In this episode, MUFG Head of Prepayment Modeling and Strategy Glenn Schultz discusses the October remittance data and outlines our thesis of the ‘Second Golden Age of Mortgage Backed Securities.’ He reviews how the evolution of the coupon stack, borrower and loan characteristic diversity, and the normalization of interest rates converge to bring about the dawn of a second golden age for mortgages.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Structural changes in GBP, bond market stresses, and Japanese securities investing flows

In today’s episode, MUFG Chief Japan Strategist Takahiro Sekido reviews cross-border securities flows during the volatile price action that occurred during the months of August and September, as well as additional insights from the quarterly Tankan survey. He also shares his views on spot Dollar/Yen, Yen rate, and Yen basis.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

CPI Shocktober to drive markets to new local price lows?

In today’s episode, MUFG Head of U.S. Macro Strategy George Goncalves marks to market what he believes was another head-fake move at the start of Q4 trading. The roundtrip price action that we have seen in the last week or so of trading in both bonds and stocks – which saw massive rallies unwind into this new trading week – reminds us that many investors are still enamored with the buy-the-dip approach versus selling-the-rips stance that we have been advocating for a while, which are more common trading strategies in bear markets. We go into what to expect from the FOMC minutes and the upcoming inflation reports.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Casualties of Tightening (The Historic Rise in Global Central Bank Policy Rates)

In today’s episode, Hailey Orr, MUFG Capital Markets Strategist, discusses her team’s most recent publication: Casualties of Tightening (The Historic Rise in Global Central Bank Policy Rates). Hailey speaks to the idea of “synchronicity”, where she takes us through the remarkable YTD sell-off of nearly every risk asset on the planet. She also goes over how the current global policy tightening cycle differs from past cycles and which areas in the market are bearing the brunt, and expectations for the Fed tightening cycle going forward.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Fed Pivot Dreams Strike Again

In today’s episode, MUFG Head of U.S. Macro Strategy George Goncalves provides us with an update on how markets got back to dreaming of Fed pivots again after such a terrible performance in September. He also walks us through some of his main themes in the latest Macro2Markets Monthly called: A sea of doom (loops) as FCI tightens further. George remains skeptical of what could be another bear market rally in the making and attributes the recent price action to positioning and sentiment having gotten too bearish-leaning. That said, George does not believe there is an imminent Fed reversal and that the Fed needs financial conditions to tighten even further in order to clamp down on aggregate demand and contain inflation into the new year. It’s also interesting to hear how George defined the criteria for what he dubs the end of the bond bull run, but that said, it doesn’t mean the start of the bear market in bonds is ahead either.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

What do the September BoJ meeting and Tankan survey tell us about the outlook for Yen assets across markets?

In today’s episode, MUFG Chief Japan Strategist Takahiro Sekido discusses the September BoJ meeting, Tankan survey, and his outlook for Yen assets across markets for the month of October. He also shares his views on spot Dollar/Yen, Yen rate, and Yen basis.

If you can’t view the above media player, this podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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John Cooke
Head of Rates Sales, Americas
New York, NY

George Goncalves
Head of U.S. Macro Strategy
New York, NY

Takahiro Sekido
Chief Japan Strategist
Tokyo, Japan

Glenn Schultz
Head of Agency Mortgage Prepayment Modeling and Strategy
Chicago, IL

The podcast content above is being provided for educational and informational purposes only. The information and comments are not the views or opinions of MUFG Union Bank, its subsidiaries or affiliates. Please consult your attorney, accountant or tax or financial advisor with regard to your particular situation.